Install and Wireless LAN Card Toshiba Satellite L640 in Ubuntu

This guide is intended to friends who have difficulties in installing and Wireless LAN card for laptop toshiba satellite L640. First we see the first type of ethernet on our laptop. By way of typing lspci in the terminal. It will be seen the look as follows:

02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Device 4727 (rev 01)
03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications AR8152 v1.1 Fast Ethernet (rev c1)
Type of LAN card this laptop is Atheros Communications AR8152 v1.1 Fast Ethernet (rev c1) and Wirelessnya Broadcom Corporation D
evice 4727 (rev 01).

Get to the installation process.
First we install first Cardnya LAN
(eth0), do the following.

1. first download compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz2 here
2. Then copy and paste the file to your Desktop (in addition to the desktop but the command can be different)
3. After tha
t open a terminal, change directories to the desktop.

4 then extract the file compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz2, by right click, select Extract here.
5Back again to the terminal, change directories to the compat-wireless-2010-12-07.
6Then typing. / scripts / driver-select atl1c in the terminal.
7. The next step type make in the terminal.
8. After that install the driver by typing sudo make install.
9. Last typing modprobe atl1c and reboot your laptop.

After Cardnya LAN (eth0) is installed we proceed with the install Wirelessnya (eth1). Make sure your laptop to connect to the Internet.

1. First we go into the terminal.
2. Then typing sudo apt-get install kernel-source-bcmwl.
3. After that your laptop will download bcmwl-kernel-source, that's why your laptop should connect to the internet.
4. The final step reboot your laptop.

Once both are installed we can mengecekya diterminal by typing ifconfig.

2 Responses to "Install and Wireless LAN Card Toshiba Satellite L640 in Ubuntu"

Anonymous said...

Mr/Mrs. kok aku dah instal eth0 trus dah konek nih ke LAN. begitu aku ketikan sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source gak ada tanda2 download. di ifconfig jg blum munsul eth1...agus fd said...

koneksi nya udah dilihat apa blm gan