Driver VGA SiS Axioo Ubuntu 10.04

My first ever post how to install the VGA SiS on Linux, but that's not me making the installer script.
now I'll share the installer on this post. so you just run the script that I have created, therefore you will be more comfortable in VGA sis install this.

langkah2 follow the following:

download the installer here
extract the files you have dwonload earlier in the Home directory (Places -> Home), for easier installation.
Next enter the terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal), then go into the folder you extracted earlier with the following command

sudo cd driver_vga_sis_10.04

after entering the following one by one run command2

sudo chmod + x *. sh

sudo. /

follow the installation instructions, if requested at reboot select no.
after that run the patch,

sudo. /


now view your Ubuntu become more smooth

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